来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 00:28:46
帮我解决一些英语问题,知情者马上答复我!这个是介词填空1.The young man likes to keep everything____goog order.2.Mrs Parley called the police_____her mobile phone.3.The teacher was pleased ____what the student did4.It's not polit 请问D.H.Lawrence的生平简介,英文的~紧急 谁能介绍一下D.H.Lawrence作品的梗概? 谁能提供一下D.H.Lawrence的英文介绍啊?不需要作品介绍! he wasnt asked to take on the chairman of the society,——he wasnt asked to take on the chairman of the society,----in sufficiently popular with all members.Abeing considered Bconsidering Cto be considered 为什么选A,那considered为什么不行 学如逆水行舟,不进则退中的成语是什么? 三峡"虽乘奔御风,不以疾也"中的奔 古今异义 逆水行舟,不进则退.意思相同的四字成语是. 逆水行舟不进则退 猜一成语 怎样增加自我存在感 什么是自我存在感太强了? 鄂温克是哪个国家的?敖包会是我国什么人民的风俗?鄂温克是哪个国家的?把敖包会是我国什么人民的风俗?一,汉族;二,藏族;三,锡伯族,四,蒙古族,五,高山族. 初一孙叔叔纳言文言文翻译 The boy isn't able to speak English .同义句The boy isn't able to speak English .同义句 The boy---- ----English. 什么的抱负 连词成句up of because the he illness gave study if his 克隆是不是从2只母羊身上提取东西让另一个母羊生出来?为什么?不需要雄性的细胞?问下,既然克隆的没有精子,是不是比一般羊差?如果没有,是什么东西代替了精子呢? 抱负的近义词 在四边形ABCD中AB=BC,角BAC=60度,P在四边形内,角APD=120度,求证:PA+PC+PD>=BD, 如图,已知PA=PB,PC=PD,AB=CD,∠APD=∠BPC,求证:四边形ABCD是矩形 China is ( )to be the most developed country sooner or laterA likely B possible C probably D perhaps The Princeton campus has developed into one of the most attractive in the country.请翻译 things are going from bad to(bad)用括号里的单词适当形式填空 use at least 3 substitutions my class ____(have) a New Year party next Friday he laughs best who speaks least. who are lisa and tim talking to?改病句 猫会不会怕老鼠,在某种程度上讲. 老鼠为什么怕猫 Who ——Ben and Tim?They ——my classmates.is ,are填写 where are Ben and Tim going?A want B all C both D every 他化妆成一个女人逃走了.翻译成英语