
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:46:18
In summer we often sit out on the balcony b_____it goes very h____inside the apartment . I good at singing English songs 这句话那错了答对奖励20积分. my family and i often sit there and enjoy a cap of tea ,此句中的enjoy能不能换成drink或是have 填介词:Kate is good _____ singing English songs. he raised the question of () we could get the necessary fund A if B whether C that It has raised the question of whether it is a breach of animal rights.请问各位牛人,为什么句中要加of,因为没有of,就是同位语从句啊,实在很疑惑 The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented.请问,1 这句话里的 one of 可不可以去掉,one of 在这句话里有什么作用?2 Man 为何用大写?取自新概念英语第四册 第17课最后一行. Listening to English songs is good way of learning English为什么要用leaning 按要求改写下列句子 To listen to tapes is a good way to learn English well (改为形式主语)按要求改写下列句子1.To listen to tapes is a good way to learn English well (改为形式主语)( )( ) a good way to learn 2.To beat him wi the first song 歌词 try to remember the sentence He often asked me the question ___ the work was worth doing.这个空的答案是whether,能否填why呢? It's uncertain _____the experiment is worth doing.能用if吗!又说whether可以的!到底选哪个?我想问个清楚!网上有的说if可以引导主语从句,有的又说不能,我想要个正确的答案!到底能不能!如果能的话下面这 It is worth discussing the question.为什么不对? Singing the worlds____ a good way to improve your English? Words cannot d____ the beauty of his girlfriend根据首字母填空 Remember the New Words的同义句 教育出版社的小学六年级上册数学课堂作业本第41页答案 张海迪同志简介及对课文提问题 需要20个反问句改陈述句的题目,不要那种投机取巧的,也不要答案, 高中数学与初中数学有太大联系吗(⊙_⊙)?理科难学吗?! 明月一池水对清风( ) 明月什么池水,清风什么什么什么对联 对联中,为什么清风对明月,还有,我记得小学学过一些简单的对子,里面就包含清风对明月,能给我这篇课的所有对子么?能给我解释一下为什么这些东西是相对的么?还有我想问初二学习对联有难 1.明月一池水,清风-----2.挥笔--风雨,铺纸--云烟 ——Can I use your MP3?A Yes,you will B Not at all C I'm sorry but I do D Sure,go ahead I'm sure I can make it better,if our teacher__ me a second change.A.giveB.gaveC.givesD.will D为will give 于右任 对联 高情临爽月 嘉藻播清风 的意思是什么? 核舟记 第3段细致描写鲁直 如有所语 佛印 神情与苏|黄不属 珠可历历数也 是为了说明什么用自己的话简要回答 清风诗苑对联:疑是春来春又去【一兮清风】疑是春来春又去【一兮清风】 “清风诗苑”对联:兰桂分秋色【一兮清风】出句:兰桂分秋色【一兮清风】 【清风诗苑】(从容)对联:一夜西风三尺雪===一夜西风三尺雪=====