情景交际专练、 根据上下问在横线上填写适当的短语或句子,将对话补充完整A:where(1)_______last Saturday?B:i went to visit my friend liu hui last Saturday.A:(2)_________B:yes.we had fun playing together.we played ping-p

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 23:58:07
情景交际专练、 根据上下问在横线上填写适当的短语或句子,将对话补充完整A:where(1)_______last Saturday?B:i went to visit my friend liu hui last Saturday.A:(2)_________B:yes.we had fun playing together.we played ping-p

情景交际专练、 根据上下问在横线上填写适当的短语或句子,将对话补充完整A:where(1)_______last Saturday?B:i went to visit my friend liu hui last Saturday.A:(2)_________B:yes.we had fun playing together.we played ping-p
情景交际专练、 根据上下问在横线上填写适当的短语或句子,将对话补充完整
A:where(1)_______last Saturday?
B:i went to visit my friend liu hui last Saturday.
B:yes.we had fun playing together.we played ping-pong and went to the bookstore
B:yes.i bought an English story book and liu hui bought some magezines
A:where did you(4) __________
B:we had dinner at restaurant
B:i went home at 7 in the evening

情景交际专练、 根据上下问在横线上填写适当的短语或句子,将对话补充完整A:where(1)_______last Saturday?B:i went to visit my friend liu hui last Saturday.A:(2)_________B:yes.we had fun playing together.we played ping-p
1.did you do
2.did you have fun
3.what did you buy in the bookstore
4.have dinner
5.when did you go home

情景交际专练、 根据上下问在横线上填写适当的短语或句子,将对话补充完整A:where(1)_______last Saturday?B:i went to visit my friend liu hui last Saturday.A:(2)_________B:yes.we had fun playing together.we played ping-p 情景交际,在下面的横线上填写合适的句子完成对话 根据提示,在横线上填写适当的诗句 在横线上填写动物名称 在文中横线上填写恰当关联词 请你根据上面几组数的规律,在横线上填写合适的数. 阅读下面的文字,根据拼音在横线上填写相应的汉字.人生如水 根据成语典故,在横线上填写历史人物的名字四面楚歌( ) 煮豆燃萁( ) 背水一战( ) 根据成语典故,在横线上填写历史人物.身在曹营心在汉------卧薪尝胆------------赔了夫人又折兵------三顾茅庐------------ 江东父老根据成语典故在横线上填写历史人物的名字 7、根据成语典故,在横线上填写历史人物的名字.(2分) 的答案 根据括号里的提示在横线上填写恰当的四字词语 请根据提示,在横线上填写有关数字的俗语. 根据情景在横线上填写适当的语句春天的大地到处生机勃勃.花园里开满了鲜花,红的、黄的、白的、紫的.五彩缤纷,争奇斗艳,真是:_,_.” 口语交际(根据情景所述,在横线上写出人物可能说的话,并写完对话)情景描述:一天,刚刚起床的张婷迷迷糊糊地来到水池边漱口,突然,她发现一只灰色的老鼠正趴在水池边上,瞪着眼睛看着她 I was very happy because I r---------a letter from my best friend.根据意思在横线上填写 在横线上填写合适的四字词语 ------的.------的.-------的.(在横线上填写形容词)